Sunday, March 9, 2014

Confession #2

I need to sing.
That is how I'm built.
I've sung since I was little
And that was a long time ago.

I need to sing.
When I don't do it intentionally
My soul will sing to me.
My ears will latch on to any song
And I will sing it back to myself
Until the next song comes along.

I need to sing,
But as I say so often,
I hate my voice.
My voice is counter to who I am.
My voice sings in a way that
     No longer sounds like me,
     No longer communicates my soul
     But is what the voice that I have can do.

I need to sing,
So I sing in other ways.
I sing through my computer keyboard.
I sing by smiling and walking a little faster
In the morning down the street
To the bus stop.
I sing by telling my sweetie
That I love her
Over and over
Every five minutes
To the point where I'm annoying.

I need to sing, so
I sing ridiculous songs,
     Letting the humor shine my light,
     The irony itself twisting my pain
     Into a lopsided smile.

I need to sing
Because there's too much
That can't be expressed in any other way.

I need to sing
Because I know that the universe resonates
To the sound of a singing voice.

I need to sing
Because I also need to dance
With you
And singing as you dance
Is the best music.

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