Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Liturgy For the Day After They Announced the End of the World

It's beautiful.
It's not ours.

Your stupid smart phone
Times a billion
Is destroying us.

Your dirty car
Times a billion
Is destroying us.

Your damned lies
Times a billion
Are destroying us.

It's beautiful.
Can't you see?

The sun, golden!
The river, dancing!
The trees, like shamans!

We're beautiful
We don't even see it.

The air.
You can't see it.
Still, it's beautiful.

Dance in it.
Glow in it.
Love it.
Embrace it.

God damn it,
Save us.
Love us.
Love me.
I love you.

Accept this gift.
Give it back.
Give it forward.

It's beautiful.

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