Friday, May 21, 2010

Metablogging Maybe

I am thinking that I want to abandon the Facebooks. I'm way addicted, and it's not a good thing. Also, I would love to have all the random blogging I do in a bunch of different places appear in one place, and have that place be focussed on my writing. That was always the purpose here anyway, so I am thinking that I will start bringing that blogging impulse I have to these pages more of the time, if not (and probably not) exclusively.

One thing I've been thinking of doing is music reviews. Lots of my friends have these "modern music bores me" outbursts. I also note that most music reviewers these days scrupulously avoid having anything substantive to say about the music they review. It'll be a challenge to not fall into those patterns, should I follow through with this latest whim. I think I can be of help, though. I have pretty wide ranging tastes and I try to get under the surface of particular things I listen to. The amount of time I spend thinking about music these days actually exceeds the amount of time I spend listening to or playing music, for sure.

I won't write about huge volumes of music. I think that I'll try to assign myself at least one review a week for the next upcoming little while. I'll try to post something this weekend. Cool! I get to go CD shopping tonight! :)

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