Friday, July 6, 2007

Frank Panucci

There's this guy I've known about on the web for... gawd... over 10 years. Never met the guy, we've had a somewhat cordial relationship although I'm sure he thinks I'm a mow ran. His name is Frank Panucci and I know him from Devo fandom. Frank is way more Devo than me, and it's all to the good, or possibly evil: I'm not sure.

Frank is an animator, and a very freaky and good one. Here is a video he did earlier this year that I find hilarious, and the weird thing is, the more I watch it the more hilarious it gets. Most comedy doesn't work that way, but this does. Check out the video:

And note that the link in the right hand column called "Reperkussionz Production Blog" is to the production blog for his microbudget computer animation mixed with live action movie.

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