Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Intersectionality (a GeoPoem)

I am a transsexual woman.
     I need to love my body.
I am a singer.
     I need to sing.
I am a writer.
     I need to write.
I am a student.
     I need to study.
I am a Buddhist.
     I need to chant.
I am a wife.
     I need my baby to be happy.
I am a teacher.
     I need to learn as much as I can.
I am a work in progress.
     I need to stay positive and believe in myself.
I am a White person.
     I need to fight against racism.
I am a seeker of the truth.
     I need to let go of my attachment to lies.
I have the capacity to be happy.
     I need to fight for that happiness, and never give up on it.

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