Thursday, May 17, 2012


I'm a fan of Bad Lip Reading in general -- the absurdist humor is to my taste. I wish they were a little less Freudian at times, but you can't have everything!

This latest video earns a posting here for a different reason, though.

Listen especially to the bit at the end where they talk in character. I think it's the same voice as in this video:

I think it's a pretty good job of making a set of testosterone-altered vocal chords sound feminine. I'm impressed, actually!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Voice Poem

I open my mouth
There's a gateway.
From the inside: out.
From the outside: in.

Way in.

I breathe in. I feel my voice engage.
I am at war with the sound
I make when I sing.
My voice fails me, but I strive to reconcile with it.
My gift.
The instrument of God, whom I also war with.

I have faith (but not in God.)
I could never open my mouth if I didn't.
My voice and I will win this war together.