Friday, February 20, 2009

Political Limericks

I posted these at the Stephanie Miller Show's liveblog today. Thought I would share.

There once was a f***wit named Hannity

Whose hair was the source of his vanity

But underneath that

Was a cranial vat

Of rotten disgusting inanity

There once was a pundit named Coulter

Who listened to nothing you told her

The left thought her male

And her ideas would fail,

But dittoheads kept her pics in porn folders

There once was a Rick named Santorum

Who fouled air in our Senate’s quorum

He thought sex with dogs

Would rile up the trogs

Though most said “here Rover!”, and ignored him


none said...

Haha! Speaking of vats, i could really see Hannity and Coulter in one.

Have you ever been to the Mütter museum in Philadelphia?

none said...

And Santorum. (I never knew what he looked like, just now saw his pic.)