Friday, October 17, 2008

, originally uploaded by gertrudramones.

this is the lead singer of Naive New Beaters, who I blogged about below.

One thing that annoys me about this blog template is that it is not quite big enough to show photos at normal size without cutting off the right edge. I'll try to figure out how to fix that soon...


none said...

Sorry not to comment on the actual content... i'm all preoccupied with other things and when that happens, nothing else seems to penetrate through my skull.

Anyway, regarding the photos getting cut off - i am guessing that the problem might have to do with a combination of the width of the left and right columns and the cell padding. I'd be happy to help you try to fix this, just let me know.

You don't actually have to change templates, just a few minor changes here and there usually will do the trick.

Diane Griffin said...

Hiya. Slumby!

Cool, good to know! What I don't know is where the controls are to do that.

Diane Griffin said...

Yay! Slumbering helped me fixie-fixie! Now you can see whole photos I post!

Thanks, Mir!

none said...

I'm happy you were able to fix it! :)

I can't help saying that i noticed when i was learning the new "customize" option whatever-the-hell, that it would adjust images to the right size automatically.

It also seems like my blog (which i think is on the "old system") adjusts images, too, except i did notice, when posting a youtube vid, that it bled over into the other column slightly, yet was still visible.

Things to ponder... :D

Diane Griffin said...

Thanks for the help, Slumbs. I guess I don't really know the controls at blogger that well, but I do appreciate the "lessons." As far as "automatically adjusting"... I'll look into it. You saw how my blog looked before, and since I'm linking to flickr, I'd have to adjust things from there, too, as picture sizes seem to be determined there.