Is a noise musician based in the Boston area. She builds her own synthesizers and has a band called
Can't which she is the lone member of. I believe she is currently
touring out west, but tonight is her last show, in LA.

Her music is full of white and pink noise, arranged in contrasts and textures. Sometimes she has lyrics, but more often, I think, she does soundscapes. I remember seeing
this video on local television, once upon a time, but I didn't know the artist's name at that point, and so never followed up on it. I saw the article on her in the current Signal to Noise, and was pleased to recognize her. She has several mp3s streamable and downloadable at
this page, and if you have an ear for outsider electronica, you'll find her stuff unique and exciting.
This is especially recommended to fans of the great Vann Steppladder...
(more on Vann at some near future point...)